Been a while…

Sorry for the time I’ve not been posting.

Work has been quite a rollercoaster, the highs and lows of advertising taking its toll initially and now springing back to heights unseen for a while.

Anyway, I have put the 3DWorld tutorials for magazine 111 – 117 up on my website.  These are:

111 – How can I make an occlusion textureUV map in Maya?

112 – Is there a simple flocking procedure in Maya?

113 – How do I create is a material with the look of tarnished silver?

114 – Is there a way to stop Paint Effects flickering during camera moves?

115 – How do I create a tooth brushing action in Maya?

116 – How do I simulate a magnet, like balls rolling to a common point?

117 – How do I grow Maya’s Hair system?

I hope they are of some interest.  If there is anything that you would like to see on the website, or even have a question asked, please ask me.

Thanks for reading


Thankfully my wonderful lservice provider has helped in getting my site fixed.  It seemed that there was a permissions problem in the linux server for some unknown reason.

Anyway, it’s going back up as I type, so please take it easy on the downloads and PLEASE don’t hack the site and take everything in one go.

Whether this messed the permissions or not I would like to keep my bandwidth at it’s current cost.  If people want unlimited downloads, then I shall have to put in a paypal button to pay for it and heaven forbid that happening.

Speak to you later!


My Maya Tutorials are back online

Hello there, long time no blog.

Well, I am delighted to let you know that the tutorial section of my website is back up and running.  About time too.  There are 33 tutorials covering a wide range of topics from modelling objects, through animation, dynamics, rendering and some compositing. 

I have some more up and coming – one in particular about nCloth which will go up in a couple of months that shows exactly how to make it… well, you’ll have to wait.   Wow, I’m such a tease.

Anyway go to follow the link to tutorials and check them out.

Computer Arts

I have just completed a noob tutorial for Computer Arts Projects which will feature in Magazine 117 about how to do simple rigging and deformation animation in Maya.  It’s been some time since I did any rigging, and was a good exercise for me as well as being a good introduction for Designers on how Maya can be used in their output.

Also, check out the magazine anyway.  It’s amazingly great quality and gives a wonderful insight into how people are using print and design media in the modern day.

Check out the magazine now here and, if you can, when my tutorial goes to press in 2 month’s time.